Maya Sponsorship

By Made in Mexico Festival (other events)

Thursday, February 6 2020 6:00 PM 10:30 PM CDT


As a MAYA sponsor for the event you will receive the following benefits:

-VIP Banner with your logo to be displayed at the event which attendees will be able to -take pictures with.
-Logo included on our staff shirts.
-Four VIP tickets.

-Two event shirts with your company logo.
-One VIP parking permit.
-A 40 second commercial of the event sponsor by your brand once a month.
-Recognition by emcee as a proud sponsor of the event/runway show, (in five different occasions)
-Logo included at the events marketing print material, flyers, tickets, posters, etc.

-Advertising your brand/logo in all social media platforms, such as: Facebook, Instagram, and the Made in MexicoFestival website page from November thru the day of the event.

-Logo displayed on screen during the runway show.